Land Combat: Hit Allocation (aarhe)
Land units’ hits can only be allocated on land units. Air units can never be hit by land units except by Infrastructure Defense rolls, or AA. Tank hits must be allocated on other land units before Infantry or Airborne Infantry (optional unit). When both sides have air units at the beginning of combat cycle, air units’ hits are allocated on other air units before Transport Plane. When only one side has air units at the beginning of combat cycle, air units’ hits are allocated other land units before Infantry or Airborne Infantry.
Submarine Submerge (aarhe)
Submarines may submerge at the end of any combat cycle whether an enemy Frigate is present or not. This is declared with other retreat decisions.
Break off (aarhe)
If both attacker and then defender chose to break-off, combat is over and both sides remain in the sea zone. If attacker chose to break-off and defender chose to remain, combat occurs for another cycle. If attacker chose to press on and defender chose to break-off, attacker can now decide to also break-off or chase. In the first case combat is over and both sides remain in the sea zone. In the latter case combat occurs for another cycle.
Scorched Earth (aarhe)
Industrial complex can be selected for destruction. Remove it at the beginning of “Mobilise New Units” phase this turn. No units can be mobilised there this turn
Oil remains the lifeblood of any modern nation as well as the lifeline to any modern army.
Both mechanized combat and industrialization require large supplies of oil - a sure detriment in times of total war and global expansion.
Since the dawn of mechanized combat, oil had served as the lifeblood of any army. In today's world, that fact is ever more prevalent.

Oil Derrick (sitrep)
Cost: 4
Attack: -
Defense: -
Move: -
Unit Characteristics
An Oil Derrick produces 1 Oil Drum in Phase 6: Mobilize New Units, if held in Phase 2: Purchase & Repair Units.
May only be rebuilt to its initial capacity. If destroyed in Tactical Bombing Raids or Scorched Earth (aarhe).

Oil Drum (sitrep)
Cost: -
Attack: -
Defense: -
Move: -
Unit Characteristics
Selling: Oil Drums be be sold to the bank in Phase 2: Purchase & Repair Units (1 IPC per 2 oil drums), or may be used to purchase land, air and naval units (“+” in cost table for each Oil Drum required)
Buying: May be bought by other players in his or her Phase 2: Purchase & Repair Units 1 IPC per Oil Drum)
Country: Oil Production: Proven Oil Reserves:
Numer of Oil Drums Numer of Oil Drums
Produces per turn. In reserve.
Canada 3 18
Norway 2 1
UK 2 -
US 9 2
India 1 1
Indonesia 1 -
Iran 4 14
Mexico 3 1
Australia 1 -
Malaysia 1 -
Venezuela 2 10
Brazil 3 1
Argentina 1 -
Algeria 2 1
Egypt 1 -
Libya 2 5
Qatar 1 3
Iraq 2 12
Kuwait 2 10
Saudi Arabia 10 26
Russia 10 7
China 4 2
Unit Cost:
LAV + 1 Oildrum
APC + 1 Oildrum
Tank + 1 Oildrum
MRLS + 1 Oildrum
Hovercraft + 1 Oildrum
Fighter + 1 Oildrum
Bomber + 1 Oildrum
Helicopter + 1 Oildrum
Carrier + 1 Oildrum
Cruiser + 1 Oildrum
Destroyer + 1 Oildrum
Frigate + 1 Oildrum
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