Industrial Complexes and Bases (facilities)

‘Battle Ready’ Industrial complexes, airbases, and naval bases each have different functions, but each also has several points in common. None of these facilities can attack, defend, or move. They are not placed on the battle strip. They each can defend against a strategic bombing raid. Before the strategic bombers can attack a targeted facility, it will be fired on by the built-in air defenses of the facility. The facility’s controlling player rolls a die for each attacking strategic bomber. Each roll of “1” scores a hit and eliminates one bomber.
Facilities cannot be moved or transported.
If a territory is captured, any facilities there are also captured. The capturing player can use them on the turn after they are captured.
Newly purchased industrial complexes, airbases, and naval bases are placed on the map during the Mobilize New Units phase. They cannot be placed on newly captured territories. A territory must have an IPC value of 2 or higher before a minor industrial complex can be built on it. Major industrial complexes can only be built on territories with an IPC value of 3 or higher. Air bases can be built on any controlled territory or island. Naval bases can be built on territories with a coastline and on any island.
Damaged Factories and Bases: Plastic chips are placed under the damaged industrial complexes and bases. For each damage marker that is under a given industrial complex, that factory can mobilize one less unit. Undamaged major industrial complexes can produce up to 10 units per turn. Undamaged minor industrial complexes can produce up to 3 units per turn. Total damage to an industrial complex cannot exceed 20 for major and 6 for minor industrial complexes. Airbases and naval bases cannot exceed 6 damage points. Industrial complexes and bases are never destroyed. They can be heavily damaged, however, and can be damaged to the point where they are out of commission. Industrial complexes can have at least as many damage markers as they have production ability. In this case, no new units can enter the game through that factory until it is repaired. Airbases and naval bases are considered inoperative if either receives 3 or more damage points.
Damage markers can be removed at a cost of 1 IPC each. These repairs are paid for (and the damage markers are removed) during the Purchase & Repair Units phase of the turn.

Industrial Complexes
Cost: Major Industrial Complex (White colored units).
Allies: 30 Opfor: 20
Minor Industrial Complex (Grey colored units).
Allies: 12 Opfor: 8
Attack: —
Defense: (Self-defense antiaircraft ability)
Move: —
Unit Characteristics
Industrial Complexes are the point of entry for all purchased units. There are two types of industrial complexes, major and minor. The major industrial complexes are the original industrial complexes that the powers begin the game with. They are white colored. Each of these major industrial complexes can produce 10 units per turn minus any damage they may have. Minor industrial complexes can produce 3 units per turn minus damage. They are grey colored. A minor industrial complex can be upgraded to a major one at a cost of 20 IPC. The industrial complex to be upgraded must be located on a territory (not an island) that has an IPC value of 3 or higher.
You cannot place your new units at an industrial complex owned by a friendly power. Even if you liberate a territory with an industrial complex in it, you cannot use the complex; the original controller can use it on his or her next turn. If you capture it, you can use it on your next turn. You can use an industrial complex that you controlled at the beginning of your turn. Industrial complexes cannot be built on islands (Australia and Japan are the exception).

Cost: Allies: 15 Opfor: 10
Attack: —
Defense: (Self-defense antiaircraft ability)
Move: —
Unit Characteristics
Increased Air Unit Range: When taking off from a friendly territory or island that has an operative airbase, air units gain one additional point of movement range. At that point helicopters can move 5 spaces, fighters can move 7 spaces, and strategic bombers can move 11 spaces. Note: Air units on carriers in a sea zone next to an adjacent airbase do not benefit from this additional movement range.
Scramble: You can move air units defending on an island that has an operative airbase to the surrounding sea zone to participate in the defense of that sea zone. See Phase 4: Conduct Combat
Damage: Cannot exceed 6 damage points. An airbase is considered to be inoperative if it has three or more damage points. It cannot increase air unit range or allow air units to scramble.

Naval Bases
Cost: Allies: 15 Opfor: 10
Attack: —
Defense: (Self-defense antiaircraft ability)
Move: —
Unit Characteristics
Services Sea Zones: All sea zones that border a territory containing a naval base are considered to be serviced by that naval base. Sea zones serviced by a naval base confer the benefits of that base onto all friendly sea units in those zones.
Increased Sea Unit Range: All ships beginning their movement from a sea zone serviced by an operative friendly naval base can make one additional movement. Only units in this position can move 3 spaces instead of 2.
Repairs: Capital ships (double hit), aircraft carriers, and cruisers can be repaired by moving those units to a controlled or friendly naval base. Damaged ships are repaired at no IPC cost during the Purchase & Repair Units phase of their owning player’s turn if they are in a sea zone serviced by an operative friendly naval base, including one repaired in the
current turn.
Damage: Cannot exceed 6 damage points. A naval base is considered to be inoperative if it has three or more damage points. It cannot service sea zones, increase sea unit range, or conduct repairs.
Mines (sitrep): Naval bases can defend against hostile surface warships with seamines. Hostile surface warships entering a sea zone, containing a naval base, first must get passed these sea-mines.
The facility’s controlling player rolls a die for each passing and/or attacking surface warships. Each roll of “1” scores a hit and eliminates one surface warship.
Frigates have the capability of cancelling the danger of sea-mines, protecting the fleet of the same power.
(Note: undamaged capital ships that are hit only once are not removed.)

Missile Silos (Grey colored chip marker) (sitrep)
Cost: Allies: 10 Opfor: 7
Attack: —
Defense: (Self-defense antiaircraft ability)
Move: —
Unit Characteristics
Damage: (see airbases and naval bases) cannot exceed 6 damage points.
A missile silo can never contain more than one missile.
A missile silo is capable of launching only one missile per turn, on a one-to-one base. In example: To launch five missiles from a missile silo, five missile silos are needed.
If the missile silo is destroyed, the defending player removes the missile silo from play. The missiles connected to the silos are destroyed as well.

Bunker Complex (sitrep)
Cost: Allies: 10 Opfor: 7
Attack: 2
Defense: 3 (Self-defense antiaircraft ability)
Move: —
Unit Characteristics
Damage: (see airbases and naval bases) cannot exceed 6 damage points.
A bunker is considered to be inoperative if it has three or more damage points. It cannot service territory zones, increase infantry unit range, or Support Infantry’s and Artillery’s defense.
They fire in combat against land units in their zone just as other land units do, attacking on a 2 (research required) and defending on a 3.
A bunker complex cannot fire at air units.
There can never be more than one bunker complex per territory.
Support Infantry and Artillery (Two options possible):
OPTION I: When an infantry (1) unit and an artillery (1) unit defends along with an bunker complex, the infantry’s and artillery´s defense value increases to 3. One bunker complex is capable to support one infantry along with one artillery unit at the same time.
A bunker complex does not support infantry and artillery on attack.
OPTION II: When defending bunkers receive 2 defensive rolls during the first cycle of combat only. Bunkers also grant defensive bonuses to all infantry defending the same territory giving them (infantry units only) a +1 to all defensive values for the first cycle of combat.
Bunkers are mainly defensive units. They can be built in any territory that has been controlled for one full round. (Optional: These units only protect a single border, which must be specified when placed.) Bunkers do not take damage and cannot be taken as casualties. If a territory containing a bunker is captured, the bunker is destroyed and removed from play.
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