Missile Weapons (sitrep)

A rocket carrying a warhead of conventional, chemical or nuclear explosives; may be ballistic or directed by remote control.

Cost: Allies: 13 Opfor: 13
Attack: D6
Defense: -
Move: Tactical ballistic Missiles.
Range 1 space.
Method of Launch: Antiaircraft gun (grey)
Class I Missile (White colored)
Range 1 space.
Method of Launch: Antiaircraft gun, MLRS.
Class II Missile (Grey colored)
Range 2 spaces.
Method of Launch: Surface naval vessel, Bomber.
Class III Missile (Black colored)
Range 6 spaces.
Method of Launch: Submarine, Silo, (MLRS only by Opfor).
Class IV Missile (Red colored)
Range 9 spaces.
Method of Launch: Silo.
Unit Characteristics
Production: To produce this weapon, the related power must have obtained the required technology (see Research & Develop Weapons).
Only one missile per turn can be built.
Special abilities:
-Missiles cannot be fired without a launcher (Antiaircraft gun, MLRS, capable surface naval vessel, Strategic bomber, submarine and/or silo.
-Rockets cannot exist without a launcher available. Missile without a launcher be considered lost (destroyed).
-Missiles cannot be conquered.
-If the missile carrying unit is destroyed, the missile is destroyed as well.
-Missiles cannot move themselves; they need to be moved by units that can carry missiles. Missiles can be loaded and offloaded between units that can carry missiles. Amphibious assault ship and Air Transport (bomber) can transport any missile as cargo.
-If a territory, containg missle silos, is conquered by, the missile silos and missiles connected to the silos are destroyed automaticly.
How they are used:

Technology Level 1.
Tactical ballistic Missiles (AA gun Grey).
E.g. –‘Scud’ Missile (SITREP)
Strategic Bombing Raid:
Your antiaircraft guns are now missile launchers, existing Antiaircraft guns (white), are exchanged into Antiaircraft guns (Grey).
In addition to its normal combat function, during the strategic bombing raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your antiaircraft guns can make a single missile attack against an enemy industrial complexes, airbases, and/or naval bases within 3 spaces of it. This attack does 1d6 damage to that complex.
Air Defense:
An antiaircraft gun can still fire at an air unit (Fighter, Strategic Bomber (Transportplane)), just like an Antiaircraft Gun (White). They can fire at attacking Missiles, the same way. (SITREP)),
Antiaircraft guns fire only once, before the first round of combat. Roll one die against each attacking air unit. On a roll of “1” or “2” that air unit is destroyed and immediately removed from the game.
Range: 1 space.
Platform: Antiaircraft gun (grey).

Technology Level 2:
Class I Missiles (Missile White)
E.g. -GLBM (Ground-launched Cruise Missile) (SITREP). Can be built.
Missiles can carry either a conventional or a chemical warhead.
Range: 1 space.
Platform: Antiaircraft gun (grey), MLRS.
Technology Level 3:
Class II Missiles (Missile Grey)
E.g. -ALCM (Air-launched Cruise Missile) (SITREP). Can be built.
Missiles can carry either a a conventional, chemical or a nuclear warhead.
Range: 2 space.
Platform: Surface naval vessel, Bomber.
Technology Level 4:
Class III Missile (Missile black)
E.g. -SLBM (submarine-launched Ballistic Missile) (SITREP). Can be built.
Missiles can carry either a conventional, chemical or a nuclear warhead.
Range: 6 space.
Platform: Submarine, Silo, (MLRS only by Opfor).
Technology Level 5:
Class IV Missile (Missile red)
E.g. -ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (SITREP). Can be built.
Missiles can carry either a conventional, chemical or a nuclear warhead.
Range: 9 space.
Platform: Silo.
How they fight:

* Precision-strike cruise missiles (SITREP).
Attacking missile scores a hit on a 4 or less. For every dice roll of a -4, the defending unit is hit. In addition: Before throwing the dice, the attacker choose the target.
** Precision-strike Nuclear cruise missiles (SITREP).
Attacking missile scores 2 hits on a 5 or less. For every dice roll of a -5, the defending unit is hit. In addition: Before throwing the dice, the attacker choose the target. (One hit could destroy a cruiser or carrier in one attack, one hit counts as two hits).
***/****Convential Strategic missile strike:
Strategic Missile (Bombing) Raid: A strategic missile attack against an enemy industrial complex, airbase, naval base, missile solo and/or bunker complex. A missile attack on such a facility is a strategic missile strike. This occurs during the first step of the Conduct Combat phase. Strategic missiles that survive any antiaircraft/antimissile fire originating from their designated target, as well as any fire from any fighter interceptors, can attack that specific target. Roll the stated number of die for each surviving missile. The missile will cause a number of points of damage to the facility equal to the total rolled. The maximum total damage strategic bombing raids can inflict on an industrial complex is twice the production ability indicated on the industrial complex’s counter (20 for the major and 6 for the minor). The maximum total damage that can be inflicted on an airbase, naval base, missile silo and/or bunker complex is 6 points.
Effects of a missile:
Conventional Warhead:
-A missile with a conventional warhead can be loaded onto a carrying unit. The carrying unit to launch this weapon may not conduct combat this turn. The conventional attack is performed on a hostile territory.
Chemical Warhead:
-A missile with a chemical warhead can be loaded onto a carrying unit. The carrying unit to launch this weapon may not conduct combat this turn. A chemical attack is performed on a hostile territory.
-If Missile with a chemical warhead is used to attack forces, the chemical missile attacks by rolling a i.e. 1 (d6). The missile will cause a number of points of damage/contagion to defending infantry class units only, equal to the total rolled.
That infantry unit is destroyed and immediately removed from the game.
Nuclear Warhead:
-A nuclear missile can be loaded onto a carrying unit. The carrying unit to launch this weapon may not conduct combat this turn. An nuclear attack is performed on a hostile territory.
- If Missile is used to attack forces; Attacker rolls the stated number of dices for each attacking missile, destroying it on a 5 or less.
That unit is destroyed and immediately removed from the game.
- If used as a strategic bombing attack, see the rules for Strategic Missile (Bombing) Raid.
- Radiation; Every hit scored in the attack is equal to the nuclear hits. Convert the explosion marker to a radiation marker. Each radiation marker permanently negates one IPC of the territory’s value.
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